Some critics continue to assert that President George W. Bush’s
policies bear little responsibility for the deficits the nation faces
over the coming decade — that, instead, the new policies of
President Barack Obama and the 111
th Congress are to blame.
Most recently, a Heritage Foundation paper downplayed the role
of Bush-era policies (for more on that paper, see p. 4). Nevertheless,
the fact remains: Together with the economic downturn, the Bush
tax cuts and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq explain virtually the
entire deficit over the next ten years (see Figure 1).
deficit for fiscal year 2009 was $1.4 trillion and, at nearly 10
percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), was the largest deficit
relative to the size of the economy since the end of World War
II. If current policies are continued without changes, deficits will
likely approach those figures in 2010 and remain near $1
trillion a year for the next decade.

events and policies that have pushed deficits to these high levels in
the near term, however, were largely outside the new Administration’s
control. If not for the tax cuts enacted during the presidency of
George W. Bush that Congress did not pay for, the cost of the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan that were initiated during that period, and
the effects of the worst economic slump since the Great Depression
(including the cost of steps necessary to combat it), we would
not be facing these huge deficits in the near term.
President Obama inherited a dismal fiscal legacy, that does not diminish
his responsibility to propose policies to address our fiscal imbalance
and put the weight of his office behind them.
policymakers should not tighten fiscal policy in the near term while the
economy remains fragile, they and the nation at large must come
to grips with the nation’s long-term deficit problem. But we should
not mistake the causes of our predicament.
Read the whole story
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
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